John J. Cho

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Pre-Doctoral Fellow

Center for the Study of American Politics (CSAP)/Tobin Center for Economic Policy

Yale University

Curriculum Vitae

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I am currently a Pre-Doctoral Fellow at Yale University, working with Professors Alan Gerber and Gregory Huber.

I am broadly interested in the areas of election administration, immigration law, and race, ethnicity, and politics. My past and current research has used large-scale administrative data and survey/field experiments to investigate how elections polarize voters, trade-offs in political representation, and negativity on turnout. See Research for more details.

I recieved my A.B. in Government (with High Honors) and Quantitative Social Sciences, summa cum laude, from Dartmouth College in 2022. I have also taken a wide variety of upper-level undergraduate and graduate classes in mathematics and statistics at Yale University from 2022-2024. See Classes for more details.

You can see an updated copy of my C.V. or in the sidebar (opens new link). You can reach me at john [dot] cho [at] yale [dot] edu.

About this website: This website uses the "minimal theme" by Steve Smith. The design for this website is heavily inspired by and uses code from Shiro Kuriwaki and Jeremiah Cha.